Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Finding Donald

By Barbie

Every once in a while we do a post on this blog about a long lost toy that we've yearned for. We've all had them. Funny thing, for us, that toy usually happens to be a Donald Duck. I guess Donald has been more influential in our lives than we realized.

On a trip to visit Nick's parents, we found this gem of a photo of Nick, two days before his first birthday.

He remembered his bobble Donald so vividly he couldn't get it out of his mind for the rest of the weekend. He remembered the sounds it made and the feel of it, the way it bobbed around, but never tipped over.


For a kid not even one year old, he sure had some clear memories of his Donald!

And so, the search began. You know where I'm going with this, right? On our way home while he was driving, I checked on Ebay and golly gee, I found the Donald of his dreams! It was the only one even remotely resembling the one in Nick's photo. It could even be his original Donald! Look at this beauty!

Now he has surely seen his share of loving, goodness knows how many children have played with  this duck! But this 1960's Donald Duck is amazing. I will leave you with a close up of his face to make you smile!


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