Monsters University, the sequel to Monsters, Inc. is due out June 21st.
They have a virtual cornucopia of items including plush, clothing, backpacks, figurines, and books!
You get to pick everything from body style to eyes, horns, arms and legs!
The Lone Ranger comes out July 3rd, staring Armie Hammer, Helena Bonham Carter, and some guy named Johhny Depp.
There are a few items for this film including this Lone Ranger hat being worn by my lovely wife.
Last, we have the Cars spin off, Planes coming out on August 9th.
Lot's of action figures and play sets, as well as some nice clothing options.
Will you be seeing any or all of these this Summer?
Definitely Monsters U. I want to get the Sully Duffy Bear costume so bad!