Friday, January 16, 2015

Disney Meals at Home

by Gaylin

Many of you may realize that you can find a lot of Disney recipes online, some uploaded by Disney and some that have been worked out by fans, once they are home.

If you want a recipe while at a restaurant, just ask! Sometimes they have their most popular recipes printed up and ready to hand out. That is what I did at the Hollywood Brown Derby, I wanted to know how to make the Cobb Salad and here is the recipe I was given.

I love this brown derby shaped printed recipe. About 6 inches across and 4 inches high, printed on a decent quality of paper that I managed to keep flat in my day pack all day.

The recipe is printed on the back (of course) and while I have never followed it exactly, I have taken it out a few times and done my own version of a Cobb Salad. Now all of you can make it as well!

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