Friday, December 27, 2013

My Favorite Disney Treat

By: Gaylin

There are any number of articles or arguments online about what the best snack or treat is to eat at Walt Disney World. For me, food allergies preclude eating most of them, this would be sad except my favourite is the Mickey Premium Ice Cream Bar.

On one trip, I kept track of how many I had in an 8 day period, turns out it is one every other day!

The first one was at the Animal Kingdom, in Dinoland.

The second one was at Hollywood Studios, it is always a good idea to find some shade when you eat one of these or they melt quickly.

The third one was at Downtown Disney.

And finally, one more, back at Hollywood Studios. All I can say is that it is a very good thing I walk so much during a vacation as one of these babies contains 330 calories! But everyone knows, calories don't count on vacation . . .


  1. Only 330 calories? Why that seems like a deal! I'm going to eat a lot more of those in the future!

    1. Yes! And of course there is calcium in the milk they are made with, good for your bone health . . .

  2. Calcium, yes!! . . . and finding something allowed with allergies = priceless. I have happily added "safe" restaurants to my latex allergy info

  3. And a little dark chocolate is good for the heart... looks like dark chocolate to me lol.

    1. It is dark chocolate and better than the usual coating on an ice cream bar!


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