Sunday, February 26, 2012

Disney Around the House

Even though I fight it, the Disney creep continues, and on many occasions, I am the culprit that brings Disney into the house! Here's what I bought on our last trip.

These awesome metal coasters come in their own tin and were created for Walt Disney World Resort’s 40th Anniversary. "SHAG’s" retro collection of Walt Disney World-inspired collectibles, home goods and apparel pay homage to the Magical Kingdom. They are fun, bright and just my style.


  1. I have Disney stuff in my house and my friends have all said "You have SO much Disney in here!". They have no idea at all about how much more I could have, at 700 sq feet, I think I have kept my Disney stuff to a tasteful amount.

    Love the coasters, what great colours and styling.

  2. I always think people just don't understand, when they say things like "you've too much Disney stuff" or "You're going to Disney again?!" They don't have the same experiences we do, their minds aren't open to all the fun to be had!

  3. And why is it that it is okay to do your whole house in, say, tribal colours. I would rather have Disney than tribal or minimalist or . . .

    Disney is a style statement!

  4. Disney is always in style! That's what the others don't realize!!


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