Thursday, March 2, 2017

Festival of the Arts, Expression Section

by Gaylin

At Epcot, during the Festival of the Arts, there was a chance for guests to help out with an art piece. It was called the Expression Section.

Cast members were pumping a small amount of paint into tiny containers, sorted by number, each number a different colour. If you look at the poster above the cast members, that is actually what the paint by number mural will be when finished.

The cast members were quite busy, there was never a line-up but there was a continuous line of guests in front of their booth, everyone wanted to paint!

The first time I went through the line, I got white paint, #8.

You were supposed to paint 5 squares . . . that white T in the middle, I painted that!

The second time I went through I got pink, I couldn't find 5 pink squares together so I did this 2 and found 3 more. As you can see, people were not being very careful with their paint!

As you left the mural area, used paint cups went in one bin and foam paint brushes went in another. Then a nice cast member gave you a post card as a take-away gift. Doing this took less than 5 minute from beginning to end and I sure wish I could have seen the finished product!

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